Saturday, September 14, 2013

Buy a Perma-Draw for a Chance to WIN a Rope

On behalf of Mammut, Dean Lords will donate a 9.5mm x 70m rope to be raffled off during the Dierkes Clean & Crank Boulderfest 3. The raffle money will go toward replacing fixed anchors at the Caves.
"I wholeheartedly support local climbing communities working together to maintain and replace fixed hardware at their local crags. While safety is the number one reason to do this, I also believe the big picture is providing an avenue for community to band together, with one collective voice, to maintain hardware, educate, secure access, and play an active roll in preserving climbing now and into the future." -Dean Lords
TIckets will cost $10 a piece the day of the event, October 12th.

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